Let the games commence.

Let the games commence.
Here we go!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Step 4 - Find a Wiki


Lots of obsessive compulsives out there. Remember that TV Show, Mastermind? The contestants now all have Wikis. But seriously, there is a lot of interesting stuff to be found in Wikis. Here are a few of my favourites. Read at your own risk as the quality varies, much like this blog.






And, best of all a wiki for renovators



  1. Wikileaks is an amazing site and really does show the power of the new technology. Governments are running scared.

  2. Wikileaks is in the media again today re China and google hacking and some pretty scarey conversations between various players on the international scene. I know this because my RSS feeds from SBS and BBC News send the info straight to my blog. Information overload or judicious use of Web 2.0 tech? Whatever the case I'm glad I participated in the training. I knew these things existed but was too busy/lazy/disinterested to do anything about it.

  3. Haha that comic is hilarious. I wonder if any major fights have broken out over wikis that have been edited and the original creator didn't like it.

  4. Given that people seem more inclined to engage in robust debate over the Internet, I imagine there have been a few doozies.

  5. The signage on the library reminds me of Fawlty Towers and how in the introduction to each episode you'd see the letters scrambled again eg Flowery Twats. I'm waiting for someone to put the p back and take the l out in 'public'.

  6. Good one. I think I was Sybil, Basil and Manuel will have to remain incongnito as we are supposed to play nicely.

  7. I have passed the Bob Dylan Wikki in to my Mother inlaw. she loved me for it. Thanks

  8. Love the cartoon. It will remain firmly in my memory of Web 2.0 training.
